Author: Scott

In Search Of Solitude

A languid, mysterious neoclassical track for strings, synth and piano.

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There Was A Time

An emotional, nostalgic track for string orchestra & synth – slightly uplifting, with a dash of melancholy.

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Race The Sun

An adventurous, energetic and optimistic hybrid orchestral track for folks chasing new horizons.

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Legionnaire (2022 Remaster)

A 2022 remaster of one of my most popular library tracks, first written about 12 years ago. Big, militaristic orchestral, with bold adventurous brass.

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An atmospheric, haunting ambient work featuring slowly morphing synths, ominous strings and solo viola. Perfect for deep space travel, or journeys to the sea floor.

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Age of Wonder

An epic, majestic orchestral track inspired by ideas of courage, endurance and discovery – dreams of a better world that can rise to any challenge. Big & bold, and ends with a flourishing finale of choir, strings and brass.

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A folksy, simple and heart-warming track featuring acoustic guitar, piano and background vocals (by yours truly). Relaxed, happy vibes – but with a touch of nostalgia.

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Adrift Among Infinite Stars

A contemplative, minimalist piece for piano, synths, strings and solo violin – perfect for moments when you just want to look up at the evening sky.

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Passage of Time

A mysterious, solemn and slow orchestral track that builds to an almost regal, stately backend. It brings to mind reflections on the past, of old civilisations at their peak; of the deep geological time of the mountains. ⛰️

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An uplifting, hopeful track for piano and strings, which picks up energy in the last half. A track about reflecting on the past, but looking forward – perfect for the new year. ❤️✨

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Midvinter ❄️

A slow, simple lullaby for piano, with soft strings – perfect for dark cold winters by a warm fireplace. ❄️

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Frankincense and Myrrh

A warm, resplendent, uplifting orchestral piece to warm the heart this Christmas! Reminds me of the end to a Christmas film set in Victorian England, complete with choir, organ, and key changes! Merry Christmas, everyone!

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Castles in the Sky

A dreamy, soft, meandering track for piano, vibes and various other instruments. Reminds me of getting lost in new cities, and sitting in cafes watching the world go by, with a good cup of coffee.

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A warm, luscious and slow-moving ambient track blending synths with string orchestra. Builds to a climax at 5:00, but then falls away to glittery, sparkly ambience.

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A dark, cacophonous invocation for your seasonal dark deeds. Eerie whispers, and a bewitching siren’s song give way to a rising wall of dread. Happy Halloween! ?

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Bring Me The Sky

An uplifting, inspiring orchestral track – starting softly with piano, but building to soaring brass and strings.

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What We Don’t Say

An intimate, introspective track featuring piano, strings, winds and voice.

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A soaring, uplifting orchestral track featuring female solo vocals for some extra emotional impact! Reminds me of epic journeys and landscapes; of endings and beginnings.

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Falling Together

A sentimental, raw, slow-moving work for effected piano, strings and synth – with a mellow middle section with strings, building up the final reprise of the main piano motif. Reminds me of stoicism in the face of adversity. Perhaps, with a friend at your side.

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An epic, action-packed battle track for your next boss battle! Six minutes of driving, percussive synths, bold brass and choir, and soaring strings to help the hero in you to overcome.

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