This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; meaning it’s free for use in any project (including commercial) as long as I’m credited.
For YouTube videos, credits must appear in the video description. If you don’t, you will likely get a copyright claim from me. To have claims removed, follow these quick instructions.
Attribution format:
'Jul' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
Can’t provide attribution? You’ll need to purchase a license. Explore license types, and make a request here: Licensing this music
This track was supported by generous Patreons:
Ãlvaro Gracia Montoya, Achim Lammers, Adhi Hargo, Alexander McHardy, Amman Abid, Amy Won, Andrew Venus, Calder Blake, Caleb Levesque, Chiffmonkey, Coraille en Voyage, C S Williams, Cubicle Dexter, Dave Epstein, Fallen, Fernando Blazquez Aguado, Gilles, Harith Alshuwaykh, Ismael Sola Unzu, Jaroslav Bengl, Jasiek Vetulani, Jesus Abancens Tejero, Joel Svensson, John le Bon, John Martinous, Jonathan West, Julia Poturay, JulienD, Justin Hawley, Kaj Suominen, Keith Walker, Leslie Gideon, Longhauler, Lou Marich, LPR Presents, Marina Dragun, Mark Diaz, Mark Templeton, Matt Cowart, Matthew Moran, Morten Clausen, N9 Gaming, Nic Higham, nokola, Olek Petro, Oliver Beckert, Orkenspalter TV, Patrek Gill, Patrick McGrath, Pierre, proxcent, Rob Tran, Robbo Stew, Robert Hall, Roman Herasymenko, Rony Fgl, Sam Moore, Sisk S’jet, Stephen W Jenks, Stewart Roberts, Postandfly, The Popcast, Tim McGhee, Todd D’Arcy, Tommy Zamberlan, Tough Soles, Vaggelis Papantoniu, Yolanda Torres…
and this month’s new patrons: FreakishlyKing, Joseph Bailey and Newhorizon New.
And also thanks to my gang of Twitch subscribers:
bluenoteontwitch, burnya_bad, chiffmonkey, cmdr_bishi, cruisingthewaterways, daneraw, effane, giannimf, hexd0t, horseradish_power, jannickdamkvist, jvetulani, kennithnichol, le_paul_, mandythephilomath, nunohflores, proxcent, samtheman11414, statzbooster, streamings and waydgaming. Thanks for watching! |
Thank you Scott! It’s a nice Christmas and Winter track.
Encore merci Scott, Joyeux Noël et une bonne année 2021, en espérant quelle vous apporte joie et santé 😉
thats so great i found your music thanx alot
How do we give credit? Do we just use Scott buckley as credit or do you want us to put ALL of the people that contributed to it?
Hi David! Only my name is required for the credit… it is all me playing anyway 😀
So beautiful and touching. Thank you for sharing this with the world.
So emotional! I needed to hear something like that. Thank you!
Thank you Scott
Scott you’re anointed. I’ve been searching for music to put behind my Anxiety clips – that will calm a person down – slow their heartbeat down and yet not put them to sleep. Thank you.
If you have any other music that resembles slowing a heartbeat down – could you let me know?
Also, slow music that climbs in the key range to motivate towards the end.
I have left my email and am already part of your patreon members.
Nice. Thank you.
bonne musique, merci et que Dieu vous bénisse
Thank you very much, Scott. This music is just Amazing. Thank for letting us to use the track, Sir. I will give you credit in my video Youtube Description. 🙂
I’m from Indonesia.
Thank you very much. This soul music is just Amazing
some dirty guy steals your songs and makes money on YT
All fixed now!